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  1. Waterloo Region Committee on Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse: What You Need to Know (Waterloo, Ontario: Waterloo Region Committee on Elder Abuse, 2000), 3.
  2. Dennis Cooley, From Restorative Justice to Transformative Justice: Discussion Paper (Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 1999), 25.
  3. Michael L. Hadley, The Spiritual Roots of Restorative Justice (Albany, New York: State University of New York, 2001), 217-18.
  4. Waterloo Region Committee on Elder Abuse, Elder Abuse, 3
  5. J. Whal, The Law Related to Elder Abuse in Canada (Toronto: Advocacy Centre for the Elderly, 2001), 1.
  6. M. Beaulieu, et al., Older Adults’ Personal Relationships and the Law in Canada—Legal, Psycho-Social and Ethical Aspects (Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 1999), 70.
  7. Beaulieu, Older Adults’ Personal Relationships and the Law in Canada, 72.
  8. Ibid.
  9. Cooley, From Restorative Justice to Transformative Justice, 17-23.
  10. Howard J. Zehr, Changing Lenses: A New Focus for Crime and Justice (Waterloo: Herald, 1990), 180.
  11. Susan Sharpe, Restorative Justice: A Vision for Healing and Change (Edmonton: Edmonton Victim Offender Mediation Society, 1998), 7.
  12. Cooley, From Restorative Justice to Transformative Justice, 2.
  13. Elaine M. Gallagher et al., Victoria Elder Abuse Project: Final Report [Victoria, B.C.: Community Elder Abuse Committee, 1993].
  14. Zehr, Changing Lenses, 130-32.